See How To Soundproof Your Chicago Windows
See How To Soundproof Your Chicago Windows
Have you ever gotten jolted out of sleep by a neighbor’s late-night gathering or miss important dialogue in a good movie as a result of deafening traffic outside? Noise gets into your residence through cracks, gaps, and glass in your windows, resulting in sleepless nights and other disturbances. Luckily, some basic soundproofing can drastically reduce unwelcomed noise. From DIY projects to new window treatments, try these recommendations to soundproof windows in Chicago and see if they give you some relief!
Shore Up Window Frames With Caulk Or Weatherstripping

Adding weatherstripping or caulk is a low-stress “do-it-yourself” solution to minimize noise. Because sound passes through the air, sealing cracks and openings around your windows will help keep external noise from entering your house.
If you notice openings between windows and frames, attach self-adhesive weatherstripping. For a double-hung window or a sliding door, you can use vinyl v-strips on the exterior of the windows. You might also insert acoustic caulk in the crevices around windows and into the cracks to block airflow. Just know that these do-it-yourself solutions may not last long and can affect your windows’ appearance. Adding windows and window treatments that include energy-conserving features may be a smarter investment.
Use Solid Window Treatments To Halt Exterior Noise

If bothersome noises get past your thin window panes, an additional layer of solid material will help minimize those sounds. Installing interior shutters is a smart way to reduce the sound that can get inside while also enhancing the energy efficiency of your home. Crafted from real wood or wood substitute, these interior shutters halt sound, light, and drafts when shut.
For the ultimate in soundproofing, consider Polywood® shutters. They have patented weatherstripping, making them better at soundproofing windows in Chicago than any other window treatments. Compared to blinds and shades, Polywood shutters attach securely to your window and are carefully measured to your window frame to avoid gaps that could allow sound to enter. And don’t be concerned about the openings between their louvers. Polywood shutters close closely around all edges to keep out noises, temperature transfer and sunlight.
Additionally, appealing Polywood® shutters look incredible from inside and beyond the walls of your abode. Their neutral white hue matches beautifully with all kinds of home decor, and they clean up with ease. Polywood shutters also maintain longer than other window treatments, blocking exterior noise and elevating your Chicago home for years on end
Replace Failing Windows
If you have old windows and endure unwanted drafts and noise, it’s likely time to contemplate getting new ones. If changing all your windows is more than you wish to spend, you can add exterior storm windows or an extra window pane to particularly problematic windows. Even so, upgrading your windows or incorporating extra panes can be an expensive option.
Sunburst Has What You Need To Soundproof Windows In Chicago
Are you ready for fewer interruptions and a great night of sleep? Talk to Sunburst Shutters Chicago about ordering custom interior shutters to halt outside noise. We’ll send a skilled consultant to your home to present our shutters and help you select your favorite customizations. Call us at 847-250-6544 or fill out the following form to schedule your free consultation.